DeckAutomation - Sales Document Automation - logo

About Us

Like all great start-up stories, ours also began with a problem. Lars, our co-founder, worked at Damn Good Coffee Company, a sustainable coffee supplier in Copenhagen, Denmark.

While working at Damn Good Coffee Company, Lars use to make sales presentations to prospects with advanced calculations on how much CO2 they would save using Damn Good Coffee’s unique CO2 friendly distribution methods.

Creating decks with the right coffee makers, the CO2 calculations and “cup price” calculations could take up to 20-30 minutes due to a lot of copy/pasting between Google Sheets and Slides. So Lars came up with a solution where you just selected the slides needed to that particular presentation + all calculations got imported directly into the deck, and a presentation could be made within a few minutes. 

One year later, the idea gets new momentum as someone else thinks is a good idea and wants a copy of the same solution and contacts Lars… And the rest is history – Maybe not yet, but it is the beginning of where we are today.

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